Individualism was fostered by states and markets as a way of breaking up families and communities.The treatment of animals in modern agriculture may turn out to be the worst crime in history.Capitalism is a religion rather than just an economic theory – and it is the most successful religion to date.Empire is the most successful political system humans have invented, and our present era of anti-imperial sentiment is probably a short-lived aberration.Money is the most universal and pluralistic system of mutual trust ever devised.The Agricultural Revolution was history’s biggest fraud – wheat domesticated Sapiens rather than the other way around.Sapiens are ecological serial killers – even with stone-age tools, our ancestors wiped out half the planet’s large terrestrial mammals well before the advent of agriculture.We rule the world because we are the only animal that can believe in things that exist purely in our own imagination, such as gods, states, money and human rights.The book’s conclusions are enlightening and at times provocative.

Sapiens invites us to not only connect past developments with present concerns, but moreover to question our basic narratives of the world.